TITLE:                         ACTIVITES DIRECTOR


Manage and oversee the school district’s interscholastic athletic and activities program.

QUALIFICATIONS:    Possess or be eligible for a valid teaching licensure from the Virginia Department of Education;

                                    Have a minimum of five years’ experience in public education;

                                    Preferred experience in administration and coaching experience;

Alternative experience and/or qualifications acceptable to the School Board;

Possess professional and personal characteristics necessary for working with school personnel and members of the community at large.                               

REPORTS TO:           Middle and/or High School Principal

SUPERVISES:           Extra-Curricular Activities Staff and Custodians


  1. Ensure all requirements are met as required by the Virginia High School League and Alleghany Highlands Public School Policy.
  2. Provide oversight of requirements associated with compulsory student attendance.
  3. Demonstrate excellent organizational and communication skills.
  4. Serve as a liaison between the school and the Athletic Club and community stakeholders in promoting a comprehensive activities program.
  5. Organize student co-curricular clubs and activities, including the management of all school fundraising activities.
  6. Collect and oversee all Master Eligibility Lists from each individual team/sport.
  7. Work closely with the athletic trainer to oversee physical, concussion, and other requirements are being met.
  8. Prepare a master athletic budget and supervise equipment inventories.
  9. Submit athletic expense request sheets for payment of officials and other workers.
  10. Prepare and secure all ticket boxes and money associated with tickets before and after contests.
  11. Evaluate all coaches and athletic programs within three weeks at the conclusion of the season annually.
  12. Recommend coaches for hire or dismissal to the building principal.
  13. Recommend athletic improvements to the building principal.
  14. Provide oversight in the care and upkeep of the high school facility and grounds, including all athletic/activity facilities and fields.
  15. Provide leadership of the schools safety measures and practices.
  16. Secure and file the paperwork for both head and assistant coaching evaluations, team inventories, practice plans, uniform purchase dates, and season records.
  17. Secure and file all memorandum of understanding for all athletic/activity facilities used.
  18. Prepare a master athletic/activities calendar that includes both district/conference and non-district/non-conference contests.
  19. Coordinate gym and facility use for practices and games.
  20. Work with coaching and activities staff and AHPS transportation to schedule transportation needs.
  21. Manage travel arrangements and overnight accommodations (if applicable) for teams and or individual members of teams competing in postseason competition.
  22. Meet and collaborate with other district, regional and state administrators.
  23. Secure and provide copies schedules for all non-district/non-conference events and games.
  24. Recruit game workers for athletic contests such as but not limited to: ticket sellers, public address announcers, scoreboard operators, clock operators, and chain crews.
  25. Act as a resource person and coordinator for all coaches and activities staff.
  26. Listen, communicate, and mediate the resolution of problems and concerns within athletic programs.
  27. Administer the athletic pledge, rules, and regulations in a fair and consistent manner.
  28. Provide adequate supervision for all home athletic events ensuring the safety of all participants and spectators.
  29. Perform other duties as assigned.